
A Mini Maxi Dress

I am SO excited to share this! It's my first 'original' dress for Payton. I got this skirt off the clearance at Target last week because I liked the fabric and figured I would try and turn it into something for P.  From this:

To this:

It came together fairly quickly once I figured out what I wanted. I cut off the elastic waistband and folded the skirt in half and trimmed the edges to fit. The leftover edges created the straps. :)

I added the blue strap covers because the straps were pretty wide. They're not sewn on so they can be adjusted.

A little elastic in the top and bottom of the blue piece... I really didn't sew a lot of sewing on it. Used the original hem :) So amazing!

The best thing, P loves the dress too! How do I know? She let me put it on her for 3 fittings and a photo session... :)

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