
Payton's Postponed Easter

On Easter we went to church and had lunch with friends as planned, but Payton ended up getting her first fever and cut our activities short. We're blessed we've come this far with out one and she got through it pretty quickly too. So because of that, obviously there are no Easter photos, especially of her dress I made. So we made up for it today. We spent the afternoon at the park enjoying the sunshine. But first, the outfit:

I used a Heidi and Finn pattern for the dress, it's one of my favorite pattern shops! The bloomers was from another little pattern from my stash and why the heart on the booty? Why not, it's cute. And I just winged the hair bow and glued to a clippy :) 

I had NO idea how much a $2 thing of bubbles could entertain Payton. She loved trying to blow bubbles. And just thought putting the wand in and out of the bottle was amazing.

Yes this is her WALKING towards me. It was only a few steps but I'll still take it. She even took two steps, turned and took a couple more! Woo hoo. We're getting technical now :)

Happy (really late) Easter everyone!!

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