
Adventures: Balboa Park

We got to go to Cali to see family at the last minute which was really nice. It was either that or try to hold down the fort for Hurricane Irene. Um, I'll go to Cali thank you! So anyways, (everything was okay when we got back) we spent the first few days in San Diego and got to go to Balboa Park. We did a lot of strolling around and just enjoying the day but found a fountain that the Payton and Trent enjoyed.

Payton liked modeling...

And Trent wanted to go for a swim...

Gram with two of her grandbabies. Mom had to hold Trent's leg because he kept dunking his foot in the water. His shoe was soaked!

She looks miserable but she's really just people watching, she wasn't tortured. Promise.

We found the playground there and they went down the slide together :)

This shot and the next two were by my cousin, she took over my camera from me :)

We had a great time at Balboa and can't wait to take Miss P to the museums there!

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