

I'm laying in bed typing this on my phone, should be asleep because our furniture is arriving bright and early. Today Payton started ballet. I was going to wait and post about it chronologically after our road trip recap but by then, I may not remember every detail that made today special, the beginning of our new journey.

Ever since I found out I was having a girl, I could not wait to get her dance shoes and put her in dance. I dreamt about it all the time. Dance was my life until I joined the Coast Guard and can't wait to finish healing so I can pick back up. I won't force Payton to dance, but I figured it wouldn't hurt her to try. She has awesome rhythm and already performs so...

(yay blurry phone photos... eh oh well)

We woke up this morning and asked her if she wanted to go to ballet 'yes, I'm a ballerina' my heart melted. She got all dressed ready to go. She was excited, I was an anxious wreck. The best part is her teacher is one of my favorite tap teachers from back when. When class was ready to start the teacher took Payton by the hand and walked her into the studio and placed her at the bar. Payton looked so comfortable like she was meant to be in there. She did her plies and twirled and pointed her toes. Yes, I was on the verge of crying. The happy kind though. For the most part she listened and followed directions. As much as you can expect from her first structured lesson. I'm so proud of her for trying something new and not being afraid. However, if I get this emotional over ballet, I'm a goner next year when she starts tap.

1 comment:

Jessica adams said...

Aww what a beautiful ballerina!! You will have to post some videos of her dancing!! Or text me some! :) so glad you are getting settled in more! Aunt Jess misses you Payton!! Love you!!